by patrysha | Nov 3, 2015 |
I feel compelled to give fair warning. With so many coaches focusing on making fortunes, I feel it’s important to be clear. I am not one of them. I lack the abundance mindset. It was confirmed a couple of weeks ago by a highly respected coach in the field. At...
by patrysha | Nov 3, 2015 |
My phone has less storage space than my first computer, I swear! It won’t record video – and I can’t remove the music – I need it to exercise. I had everything set up – script, teleprompter, lighting – smooth, polished,...
by patrysha | Jan 2, 2015 | Life as it happens
As has been the tradition for the last couple of years, SoloMastermind members have shared a word to embody their intentions for the year to come. It’s a departure from resolutions and has a much bigger impact on your mindset for the year to come. I’m sure...