
Media Inquiries

11407269_10153446159427082_4733640632273313594_nWhether you need a quick sound clip or an interview for your podcast – Patrysha is always up for the opportunity to speak on issues related to entrepreneurship – especially when it’s about frugal marketing, publicity or unconventional professionals.

As a former publicist, she understands the importance of timeliness and relevance and can speak knowledgeably and conversationally to a wide range of audiences depending on your specific needs.

Patrysha has appeared in a number of publications and media outlets since 1999 as a contributor and as a subject, links to the most recent coverage are below the contact form.

To arrange an interview or guest post – get in touch using the form below. If time is of the essence, text your request to 780 779 0403.

Previous Coverage of Patrysha

February 2017 – Random Flowers of Kindness Promotion for Life In Whitecourt. 

Whitecourt Star – a weekly news publication serving Whitecourt Alberta

Whitecourt Press – The independently owned weekly news publication serving Whitecourt Alberta. 


Lift Magazine Cover 1st Quarter 2016

Lift Magazine Cover 1st Quarter 2016





Lift Magazine March 2016. Lift Magazine is a digital magazine for single moms originating in Australia. In this edition, you’ll find a full feature interview

Whitecourt Press: October 2015 : Interview about the local Top Guns event in which Patrysha competed in a Dragon’s Den Style Competition with her Community Connected Commerce project idea.