This post is for all ages and stages – business planning is a crucial part of business success and we all need support to plan well.
My friend and colleague over at Marketer’s Mojo, Angela Wills. (Not to be confused with my co-worker Angela, or my writer friend Angela, or my cousin Angela or my half sister Angela) posted an amazing blog yesterday on business planning for the year. And – as the title says – I was blown away by the simplicity of it.
Figure out what you want and need and then figure out a way to get to it.
Simple. You can read exactly how she says it at Do This: One Thing to Effectively Plan a Successful New Year
I love how we both use the same planner. The Shining Year Planner. Though she got the printed one and I chose the digital version and printed it out in black and white. It wasn’t a price thing really – I could have re-arranged to afford the printed and shipped version, but I wanted to prove I could and would use it. Last year I got to the Oracle page and gave up. I think I might have meant to go and search for some cards to do the activity and never came back.
I actually did a few pages beyond that and set some goals, but I never did come back to finish the book or even revisit it until late in the year. Like after my birthday late. Not helpful at all since my birthday is in November.
So this year, if I’m consistent with the black and white version – I’ll spring for the printed one next year.
I’ll just drool over my co-worker Angela’s copy when it arrives.
And work my black and white copy until it it turns colorful.
I already have my “3 Tools to Seeking Peace in the Midst of Madness” webinar on the calendar (even though it technically happens before the end of the year…) – I hope it’s on your calendar too and that you’ll carve out that hour to discover strategies you can use to break through the chaos in your life.
In the meantime, I go get my boys today! Hip, hip hurray!
It was their dad’s Christmas this year, so I get to celebrate twice.
Aw thanks for linking to me and reading my blog! I hope that the plan helped ya. I was just looking through my site stats and saw your post (you sent me peeps so thanks for that, too).
Loving the look over here. Great job 🙂
Thanks Angela! I’m hoping it will help a lot of people like the me I used to be. And yes, the plan did help – sometimes we just complicate things, don’t we?