For friends of old and friends of new
In this post I’ll explain (as best as I am able) what the bleep is going on here and what comes next –
I’ll start with the end…
For those of you who are new, or in a hurry and just want to know the what now…
This website is in the midst of transforming from a specialty in coaching and speaking for small town small business owners into a personal blog about my journey in producing my next project, an independent educational children’s web series for children 2-6. It will be a mix of personal thoughts as I work towards my goals, along with articles to explain and expand on the webisodes for parents and childcare providers.
The backstory is a bit complicated, but I feel compelled to share it. It will probably take a few days to get it all fleshed out and explained. The whole concept makes perfect sense for the me in the now. For today, I’ll just start where it began, sort of. Just read on and you’ll see what I mean…
It began with a word
Each year, for the past three years (or perhaps it’s been four…) I’ve followed the trend of choosing a word to declare my intentions. Or some woo-woo type concept like that. I still struggle to fully embrace the woo- but dang it, the woo works some awesome magic. So I chose a word. For 2017, that word was integrate. You see, one of the things I’ve learned about success is that focus is important.
Fiddlesticks and fruitcakes. (I also made a commitment to cut down on swearing…)
Focus has never been my strong point.
Fiddlesticks and fruitcakes again. I really want to bring my vision to life and for that I need focus and that means…
Integration became my word. The key, I was sure, to bringing everything I love together so I can keep having fun as I build and so that it’s all together in one pile, so I can focus and succeed.
To be continued…